City Parks Alliance triennial Greater & Greener International Parks Conference was held April 11-15 at the Historic Westin St. Francis in San Francisco. The spectacular conference was attended by more than 1000 of the most brilliant park minds from 40 countries who gathered to share ideas, best practices, victories and struggles in their respective fields. The Hollywood Central Park headlined a panel entitled “Making the Most of Highways” and was represented by FHCP President, Alfred Fraijo.
On Thursday, January 8th, FHCP Honored Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell, LA City Director of Planning Michael LoGrande, Youth Policy Institute Executive Director Dixon Slingerland and Urban Land Institute/LA Executive Director Gail Goldberg in front of a sold out Historic Hollywood Palladium. Congratulation to the honorees and a special thanks to all our sponsors and those in attendance.
The City of Los Angeles held its public scoping meeting on Saturday September 6th 2014. More than 170 community members attended the meeting at the STEM Academy at Helen Bernstein High School which gave community members a chance to offer feedback on the particular studies being done on the Hollywood Central Park EIR. Comments are currently being reviewed and addressed by the EIR team.
The City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks (RAP), lead agency for the Hollywood Central Park Environmental Impact Report (EIR), has released the Notice of Preparation (NOP) and Initial Study (IS) and has announced the date and time for the Hollywood Central Park Scoping Meeting:
Date: Saturday, September 6, 2014 | Time: 10 AM- 12 PM | Location: The Quad - STEM Academy at Bernstein, 1309 N. Wilton Place, Hollywood | Get the NOP/IS at NOP/IS website or the link to the right.
Translated NOP Documents for Spanish, Thai and Armenian are now available. Please see links to the right.
Request from USDOT to apply for TIGER (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) planning grant. The FHCP grant application will focus on the City of Los Angeles’ Mobility Hub ordinance. Partnering with LADOT, FHCP will apply for the next round of Caltrans ATP (Active Transportation Program) grant. FHCP is working with the office of Congressman Adam Schiff on proposed language to include cap parks in CMAQ (Congestion Management and Air Quality Improvement Program, ISTEA)
On Thursday, January 9, President Barack Obama announced that the Los Angeles neighborhoods of Hollywood, East Hollywood, Koreatown, Westlake and Pico Union have been designated as a Promise Zone. The Promise Zone Initiative is a way to partner with local communities and businesses to create jobs, increase economic security, expand access to educational opportunities and quality, affordable housing and improve public safety.
FHCP and the City of Los Angeles were awarded a $200,000 SCAG Sustainability Planning Grant. The Hollywood Central Park project is another step towards implementing the approved 2012-2035 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS). FHCP’s proposal was deemed consistent with the Sustainability Program goals of improving livability, mobility, prosperity and sustainability.
Caltrans, Bureau of Engineering, Council District 13 and FCHP Technical Committee members and EIR consultants participated in an environmental workshop to discuss EIR and project description
Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) amends the Regional Transportation Plan(RTP) to include “Cap Parks”