This 38-acre urban park is a genius solution to the great need of the residents of Los Angeles.
– Bill Roschen, President, LACPC

Park Ethics

Community, Well-being and Sustainability

Hollywood Central Park is founded on an ethic that is in service to community, well-being, and sustainability. The planning, design, construction and operations of the Park shall embody the highest levels of social and environmental responsibility, now and continuing into the future.

Hollywood Central Park has been conceived fundamentally as a healing gesture — in bringing back together neighborhoods long separated, cleaning the air, and establishing a corridor of green nature in the heart of the City.

Hollywood Central Park builds on and extends the legacy of the great urban open spaces of the past into a new paradigm:

  • Incorporating emerging concepts of public health and wellbeing in encouraging healthy lifestyles;
  • Employing ecological, regenerative principles in a holistic “living systems” approach to design that gathers and transforms energy and water resources and provides habitat; and
  • Serving as an immersive learning environment — a living example of sustainable community.