We want a park!
– 2nd Grade Class, Cheremoya E.S.

Our Mission

The Hollywood Central Park

The Hollywood Central Park is a landmark infrastructure project that will create more than 38,000 direct and indirect jobs over 10 years, provide economic stimulus and long term economic security, provide healthy communities and provide children with open green space in which to grow and thrive.

The Hollywood Central Park will transform Hollywood’s disadvantaged communities into thriving economic engines and is an investment in our children, our community and our future.

Our ultimate goal is to donate the completed park to the City of Los Angeles for the benefit of the people of Los Angeles.

Friends of the Hollywood Central Park

Friends of the Hollywood Central Park is formed to raise funds to create a new park in Hollywood, one of the most dense and green space starved neighborhoods in Los Angeles, by covering a portion of the Hollywood Freeway (US 101) with a 38 acre street level community park.

To date, Friends of the Hollywood Central Park has raised money, secured the preliminary permission to advance the Hollywood Central Park (Cap Park project) to be constructed over US 101 Freeway in Hollywood, completed economic studies and analysis, and continued with the initial design phase based on community input. Once completed, ownership of the Hollywood Central Park will be donated to the City of Los Angeles for the benefit of the people of Los Angeles.