Parks reflect us at our best.
– Wallace Stegner

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is there a difference between the name of the official site, Friends of the Hollywood Central Park (FHCP) and the web address Is this a typo?

We agree that this is confusing and it does look like a typo; rest assured, it is not. In 2006, the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce incubated the idea of the Hollywood Freeway Central Park and purchased the URL address. Two years later when the nonprofit Friends of the Hollywood Central Park was created, the founding Board decided to keep the HFCP address because it was known by the Hollywood community. Additionally, the Board felt that the expenses involved changing hosts and switching servers was not financially in the best interest of the organization and the community. Perhaps in the future FHCP will make its name and web address consistent. In the meantime, just consider this as another one of the many Hollywood quirks.

How do I become a Board Member?

If you are interested in serving on the Board, your nomination must be referred to the Nominating Committee by a current Board Member.

Can non Board members participate on FHCP Committees?

Yes. If you wish to participate on one of our 6 committees, please contact the Committee Chair (provide link to committees 2.5.3). Executive Committee membership is limited to Board officers only.

Can non Board members participate on FHCP’s annual Advocacy Trip to Washington, DC?

Yes. FHCP’s delegation travels to Washington, DC for 4 days each March, during the National League of Cities Annual meeting. FHCP arranges 3 full days of meetings with members of Congress, the Administration and other organizations. Airfare, accommodations and some meals are the responsibility of the participant.

I’d like to Volunteer, but have a limited amount of time I can commit. Is there something I can do to help the cause?

FHCP has many different volunteer opportunities to fit your needs. If your time is limited you may wish to volunteer at our annual Gala event the first Thursday in January. Or, if you are technically savvy you may wish to join FHCP’s social media team. If you have 15 hours a month, you may wish to consider one of our Committees. Whatever your time or interest, FHCP would welcome your participation.

Will eminent domain be used to build the Park?

No.  The Park will be built in the air space above the traffic lanes of US 101 (Hollywood Freeway)

When will construction of the Park begin?

First, environmental studies must be completed (CEQA/NEPA).  Second, funding must be identified and secured.   And, lastly construction of the Park will begin in phases (as yet to be determined).

What is the CEQA/NEPA?

The proposed Hollywood Central Park project will require preparation of an environmental impact report ("EIR") under California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), California Public Resources Code and an environmental impact statement ("EIS") under the National Environmental Policy Act ("NEPA") to comply with state and federal environmental review requirements.  The City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering ("BOE"), which has general land use authority over the Project, will act as the lead agency for compliance with CEQA.  The City will also work closely with the California Department of Transportation ("Caltrans") in connection with the Project as a responsible agency.  The federal lead agency for compliance with NEPA is yet to be determined.  However, it is anticipated that the federal Department of Transportation will play the primary lead in connection with the federal funding and requirements that trigger compliance with NEPA.  Generally, due to the project size and funding, CEQA and NEPA compliance is essential.  In this regard, since the CEQA and NEPA processes will examine a wide range of many of the same issues, a joint EIR/EIS may be prepared to facilitate efficient environmental review at both the local, state and federal levels.

Are taxpayer dollars used to pay salaries or other administrative costs?

FHCP has two employees. an Executive Director and a Special Projects Manager. Neither of their salaries are nor FHCP administrative costs are paid for with local, state or federal tax payer dollars. FHCP does not receive funding from any government agency. Funds raised are through private donations.