Friends of the Hollywood Central Park congratulate Council Member O’Farrell on his election to the Los Angeles City Council. A long-time advocate of the Hollywood Central Park, Council Member O’Farrell will lead the efforts to build the Park within the City family and beyond.
As the senior deputy to Council Member Garcetti, Mr. O’Farrell helped FHCP navigate the City’s bureaucracy and cut through red tape. Side by side with FHCP, he attended countless meetings, found creative solutions to complex issues and championed the Hollywood Central Park as the right solution to address the lack of green open space in Hollywood and reunite communities separated for more than 60 years by the Hollywood Freeway.
An outstanding community-centric leader, Council Member O’Farrell understands the value of inclusion and consensus. Friends of the Hollywood Central Park look forward to a long and successful partnership with Council Member O’Farrell and his staff.
Welcome to CD 13, Councilman!
Council Member O’Farrell is Chair of Arts, Parks, Health Aging and the LA River, Vice Chair of Personnel and Animal Welfare and serves as a committee member of Education and Neighborhoods, Public Safety and Innovation, Technology and General Services.