The vision for the cap park, which would be built atop the 101 freeway as it snakes through Hollywood between Santa Monica and Hollywood boulevards, has been seen as a crucial, if not improbable, remedy for sewing back together the fabric of the city and delivering much-needed green space for a park-starved neighborhood.
According to DeFronzo, the park, which is just one of several freeway cap parks proposed in the city, received a boost last week after a presentation to officials in Washington. "LaHood expressed interest in the project, and provided insights on its development and possible benefits. He also offered to have members of his staff contribute to its planning process."
"While $2 million in funding for the park’s EIR was approved by the CRA/LA Board in December 2011, the recent banishment of California’s redevelopment agencies puts the funding in question. FHCP [Friends of the Hollywood Central Park] board members are working to resolve the issue and say they are moving forward with development," writes DeFronzo.
Posted by: Jonathan Nettler